Detroit, MI, March 13, 2024 –(– Detroit and San Francisco based painter, Victor Reyes is inspired by the unspoken language of visual art. Reyes is a thinking artist encouraged by his desire for life outside of the norm. For his first solo exhibition in Detroit, Michigan, which is curated by Elysia Borowy, Reyes created over 100 unique works on paper. All the works are sized at 22 x 30 inches, and feature vibrant colors and shapes that are abstracted to echo Matisse’s cut outs but read as hyper and trippy gestures of color fields. Reyes’ cuts painted sheets into forms of varying shapes and sizes – from the vegetal to the abstract – which he then arranges into lively compositions, striking for their play with color and contrast, their exploitation of decorative strategies, and their economy of means. The works touch on Dada art and the chance behind creating a composition. The title of 100 Errors references the film The 400 Blows, a 1959 French coming-of-age drama film and the directorial debut of François Truffaut. It resonates with the belief of “fear no art,” making space for taking risks and pushing boundaries. Without the acceptance of failure, art would remain stagnant, and the creative spirit would be wasted on our own fears. Reyes redefines the traditional boundaries of art, inviting viewers to engage with the spontaneous beauty that emerges from the interplay of color, form, and happenstance.

About Victor Reyes

Victor Reyes, born in 1978, spent his early years in Milwaukee before moving to Southern California in the early 1990s. It was here that Reyes first encountered graffiti, an experience that ignited his passion for art. Immersed in the vibrant street culture, Reyes found liberation and inspiration in the daily act of creating, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of visual expression. This period laid the foundation for his artistic journey. In 2019, Reyes settled in the Detroit area, where he continued to evolve as an artist. His work is characterized by a unique blend of pictorial sensibility, scale, color, and narrative conceptualization, challenging conventional notions of mass appeal while deeply resonating within the urban landscape. Reyes’s talent has garnered recognition from esteemed brands such as Louis Vuitton, Facebook, Twitter, and Nike, who have sought his creative expertise. His paintings have received international acclaim, showcased in exhibitions across Germany, Japan, Miami, New York, and Los Angeles. Currently, Reyes resides with his wife and children, dividing his time between San Francisco and Detroit.

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