Pasadena, CA, April 06, 2024 –(– The Magpie Film Company has completed it’s first narrative feature film – “SELF HARM”. The film; the story of a suicidal man who turns over the running of his life to an invisible voice that only he hears; has been submitted to various festivals, and is being prepared to stream later this year.

Edward Janis Gusts (writer / producer) stated, “The completion of this film marks a milestone for the company. It is proof that small films, shot intimately and on a low budget, can create compelling stories that will resonate with audiences.”

The film (Initially titled “Demon’s Promise”) won various screenwriting awards, and hopes to continue that trajectory in the indie film scene.

Gusts stated that after taking a week to recover and celebrate, the company will begin the early drafts of it’s next project “Haven,” which will be shot in the same intimate style.

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