Loneliness and revenge are key themes in these ten stories. The main characters are women, perhaps women we know, who have experienced early trauma in their lives, or who are simply the unhappy victims of passing time.
Each arrives at a “trigger” point in their lives when they have an epiphany of sorts. They are forced to take stock, and act or react. Rarely planned, the outcomes are often devastating – a child is kidnapped, a mother is murdered, a young man dies needlessly.
Sometimes the result is less dramatic. Struggling in a situation which cannot be changed brings an acceptance of inevitable hopelessness. But that acceptance can also become a trigger itself for revenge: unrequited love leads to an abusive phone call, a woman lies to the police about her cruel husband in order to punish him.
In some cases, the epiphany brings a new realisation. Effie becomes attracted to another woman, Catherine benefits from her charitable works far more than those she is helping.
All the women are bound together by a lack of love and care which they deal with in different ways. But finally, whether in word or deed, they find their voice.
Finally the Women Sing: Short Stories by Sue Gale is available in multiple formats worldwide:
Paperback: 126 pages
ISBN-13: 9781800947528
Dimensions: 13.97 x 0.81 x 21.59 cm
Amazon Kindle eBook: B0D2BJMVS1
Amazon URL: http://mybook.to/FWS
Published by Michael Terence Publishing, 2024
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