The storm from the end of Evil Season 4 Episode 9 is raging outside. There’s a hurricane in New York City. Hurricane Lucy is a category 3 and heading right toward the city.

The girls are using this moment to watch an influencer discuss storm-related demonic activity. The CGI is just the stuff that will appeal to Kristen’s girls, and they even get in a good jump scare.

They want to make a salt circle to keep themselves safe. Kristen is in the grocery store, which looks like an apocalypse. The storm is one in a hundred years affair. While talking on the phone, Kristen spots Sheryl, who is disguised and carrying a bag full of stun guns.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

Leland is going to come after her and the whole family. Sheryl admits Kristen and her kids are the most important things in the world to her. When Sheryl says she’s working for a company run by demons in human skin, Kristen blames it on the storm.

Sheryl doesn’t want to be patronized, but Kristen asks what medication she’s taking. She picks up the phone to call Dr. Boggs, but Sheryl gives her another warning and darts off.

The girls have ordered cases of toilet paper and are spreading tequila salt in the kitchen. Kristen assures her that salt does nothing against demons.

Related: Evil Season 4 Episode 9 Review: Is the World Getting Weirder?

Baby Timothy is here with Leslie. The girls decide not to tell Kristen that they already met Timothy. Leslie wants Kristen to help her secure custody from Leland so they can raise Timothy together. Leslie returns to Leland’s place — Kristen wouldn’t budge.

David is looking at a piece of paper and taking a mind trip. In the midst of it, he sees Leland’s Feliz Navidad animal, and he knows exactly who it is.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

Leland is now in control of The Sixty, and it’s come to The Church’s attention. Father Dominic tells David not to get involved, but when the storm is upgraded to Category 4, and David wants to shut the church, Dominic wants him to keep working on the remote viewing.

No, a storm is coming. Leland will always be there.


Kristen is in the bath with her laptop when more toilet paper arrives. The AstrologyGirl is now talking about The Gray Man, who is like a suit-covered version of The Mothman, appearing when bad things are about to happen.

The electricity goes out, and Laura and Lexis listen to the vent. A boy is asking for help, and all of the girls go next door to check it out. They have the real estate code, so entering the empty house is a breeze.

Little boy. Where are you?


Upstairs is a phone with the boy’s voice. They were tricked, but why? They’ve always known when Leland was coming, but this time, they don’t sense that. Lexis is the most frightened as someone nears them with a flashlight. She’s hiding in the bathroom when she spots a figure in the shower.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

It’s demonic, but she doesn’t see it. Her sisters drop a speaker out of the window, turn on music, and run. They all make it outside successfully but scream when they run into Kristen in their own house.

You don’t just go over and break into a neighbor’s house! I can’t believe I need to make that a rule!

Kristen [to the girls]

David is remote viewing and sees Kristen with a confetti cake at her neighbor’s door — which Leland answers, thanking her for the cake.

Sadly, there was not a fun message embedded in the credits this time out. Bummer!

Related: Inside ‘Evil’: Kurt Fuller on Dr. Boggs’ Wild Ride and What’s Next for the Hit Show

Kristen is actually at his door, and she smashes the cake in his face. When he keeps talking, she begins slapping his face multiple times. No, wait, that’s still David’s vision. How would Kristen have a cake without electricity?

Kristen does ask the girls never to go in that house again. So, she really did see Leland? She’s asking them to do what they did before, monitor and record everything they hear. She also releases the stun guns, followed by air horns.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

There’s a knock at the door. It’s David and Ben. David knew about her new neighbor through his visions.

The deed was transferred a week ago. David thinks he may be able to do more than just keep an eye on Leland, and Ben thinks he can back up the sewage to the other side of the duplex.

The storm is now a Category 5, making landfall in 12 hours.

David goes to Father Ignatius to ask if it would be wrong to do everything in your power to kill someone before they kill someone else. God would not forgive. The defender would be sacrificing their eternal soul.

Father Ignatius says there is much more to blind faith than anyone knows. He often has no idea if he even believes.

But what he does believe is John 15:13: Greater love hath no man than laying down his life for his friends. If he had a chance to stop the person who killed the Monsignor, he would have, even if it meant killing that person. In his mind, that would be serving God.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

David takes over Leland’s mind. Leland says, “Forgive me, father,” before pouring himself a glass of bleach. The house is without knives, so David directs him to a fireplace poker. Leland faces the mirror, and David loses control. Hello, David.

Leland is controlling David. David is more aware of what he’s doing than Leland seemed to be, and his eyes betray his fear as he picks up a butcher’s knife and begins to slice into is chest. Just in time, Leland’s bathroom betrays him.

Sister Andrea has found David.

Related: Andrea Martin Reflects on Her Journey From SCTV to Evil’s Demon-Hunting Nun

Sheryl enters the office building and is told it’s closed due to the storm. I’m the f*ckin’ storm, Oscar.

I’m the f*ckin’ storm, Oscar.


She is typing a message about Leland’s death when Leland gets on the phone and tells someone to get over there now. It’s Dr. Boggs. Did Leland send him? She asks him to lower his collar, where there might be a velcro-like fastener around the neck, where their skin connects.

She asks him if he believes in demons, and he ponders psychological demons with potential neurological causes. That’s what he believes happened to him. Another elevator dings, and Sheryl locks the door.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

A man at the door says she needs to sign her expense report. As Boggs is discussing the psychological nature of it, the man removes his skin suit. Boggs has no idea what the hell is going on, but leaves with Sheryl.

Father Dominic gets to David’s room. David stepped into Leland who stepped into him back. Apparently, Leland was a friend of the Vatican. He was training to be priest for ten years. He had talent. Father Dominic trained him himself.

Father Dominic failed to tell David why he didn’t want David messing with Leland, but now we know. Sister Andrea’s only question? How do we kill him?

Dr. Boggs: We both saw the same thing, right?

Sheryl: A man from accounting ripping off his skin to reveal that he’s a demon who chased us? Uh, yeah. (They both laugh)

It’s not shared delusion disorder, but that’s easier for Dr. Boggs to understand. Still, now he has something to write about. He needs only six more stories to print the collection. Today should be good for two.

Sheryl gets medication from Boggs’s cabinet and pours them another drink. They clink glasses. She gives him two letters, one for Kristen and one for Andy, and she takes off.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

Kristen and Ben give David some old yearbook photos of Leland to see if they can distract Leland from remote viewing. Leland’s real name was Jake Perry from DeMoine, Iowas. Class of 1978.

David asks her to take his hand. He’s currently tied down to a chair. Leland has entered David again, and he begins crushing Kristen’s hand. F*ck me now, Kristen. Ben distracts Leland with band music, reminding him of his high school days.

There’s now a tornado warning. They need to take shelter.

Mother Nature is pissed.


They return to the house to see the whole place TPed. The new room just collapsed. They’re freaking out just a little, but not too much. They are her kids, after all.

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Lynn spots Sister Andrea in the backyard, where she previously found all the demons. The Gray Man is there, and a demon attacks her. They are trying to scare her, and it’s working. The Gray Man says she’s an old woman, and they control the storm.

They get to Sister Andrea and bring her inside. She was just confused for a minute. Ben tries to explain why the tornado is happening, but Sister Andrea says it’s the devil. This is pure evil. They need to pray.

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

Lynn sits beside Sister Andrea, and one by one, her sisters join her. Ben tucks his tinfoil further into his hat.

Sheryl goes to Leland’s place. She crushes up the medication she got from Dr. Boggs and puts it in Leland’s youth cocktail. It’s not blood, though. It looks like some sort of bodily fluid juice.

The storm is over. David wonders if the prayer bothered Kristen. She laughs. No atheists in the foxhole.

I wish I had two lives. One for God, and one for you.


I wish I had two lives. Both of them for you. [Ben murmers, “What about me?”] Three lives.


Leland cannot get the marching band out of his head. He needs an infusion, but he notices something isn’t right immediately. He begins frothing at the mouth, the band playing away in his head as he crawls to the living room, where Sheryl is waiting.

With her hand poised at his throat, she hesitates for a witty remark, and the demon gets her from behind. He tells Leland, “I can’t keep saving your ass. You clean up this one.”

Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10, Photo from Evil Season 4 Episode 10,
(Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+)

Kristen gets a call from Sheryl’s phone. Sheryl is in the emergency room. She’s bleeding a lot and looks in very bad shape. They have a hard time removing her suit because it’s bulletproof. Leland tossed her out of a window. It’s not looking good.

The girls surround her, begging her not to die, showering her with love. Kristen takes her hand, and Sheryl asks for her forgiveness. She nods slightly. Kristen tells her mom she loves her, and David administers last rights, absolving her of her sins, and she dies.

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Dr. Boggs arrives, giving Kristen the envelope. It’s a USB drive. Sheryl begins her tour of Leland’s place by revealing the secret room he has. The police arrive at his house. They have a search warrant and find the secret room.

Kristen doesn’t want the girls to blame her for Sheryl not being a part of their lives. While she’s crying with Ben and David, there is a knock at her door. They have Timothy. It’s either foster care or Kristen.

The look on her face is everything.

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