It’s annoying that Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24 feature so much of Connie, but it could be good news.
When stories get close to being wrapped up, they suddenly get overexposed, featuring the characters involved every day until resolution.
Spoilers feature Connie trying to hold onto Melinda, Jada becoming suspicious, and Paulina trying desperately to get Rafe to wake up and tell her who stabbed him. If this story follows the usual pattern, it’s almost done!

The Connie Story Has Gotten Out Of Hand
It Needs To End As Soon As Possible
Connie began as a minor character who was an annoying Li fangirl and obsessed with true crime, only for her to turn out to be the latest unhinged Salemite to go on a killing spree.
That’s overdone on Days of Our Lives to begin with, and now it’s gone over the top, thanks to that damn cardboard cutout of Li Shin.
It was terrible enough to sit through amnesiac Abe being held captive by insane-with-grief Whitley, who was trying to bring her late husband back by making Abe think they were married.
Who asked for a rerun with this stupid cardboard cutout?
Still, Connie kidnapping Melinda might be her undoing, especially considering the way Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24 suggest the walls closing in on the serial killer and kidnapper.

Fiona Is Desperate to Keep Sarah Quiet
Smothering Sarah Is A Bad Idea Anyway
Another troublemaker is about to be found out, as Sarah began to remember the details of her accident.
She doesn’t remember the driver’s face, and chances are that all she’ll ever recall is that it was a woman with long hair.
No one will connect that description with Fiona.
Still, Fiona has reason to panic, since she’s finally in Xander’s good graces and that would evaporate if he knew the truth.
However, using the tired TV trope of attempting to smother Sarah with a pillow is a bad plan. Xander knows Fiona is alone with Sarah, who was showing no signs of breathing issues when he left the room, so how would Fiona explain that?

Holly Lashes Out At Eric
Her Would-Be Stepfather Arrives Too Late To Explain Himself Properly
It’s understandable that Holly is upset. She’s idolized Eric all these years and he’s her mother’s boyfriend now, yet nobody told her that he also killed her father in a drunk driving accident.
Holly never knew Daniel, and growing up without a sense of who her father was may have left her feeling like something was missing.
Days of Our Lives could do a moving mental health story about that, but instead, they’re giving us the Reader’s Digest version of what happened when JJ found out that his father had raped his aunt.
Tate let the truth slip, and now Holly is devastated — and Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24 suggest she’ll treat Eric like he’s the most horrible person in the world.
This is great, soapy drama, but it could benefit from some nuance.
Holly’s feelings of betrayal, grief, and anger are understandable, but DAYS characters always turn on a dime, deciding the person they loved and admired is now their worst enemy. It would be a refreshing change if Holly had mixed feelings instead.

Paulina Demands Rafe Wake Up
The Mayor Has Had Enough Of Him Being In A Coma
Only Paulina Price would think she could barge into a hospital room and demand someone get out of a coma, but that’s exactly what Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24 say she’s going to do.
If it works, that’ll be one of the least strange things that happen in Salem.
Still, the idea of her demanding it cracks me up even though I know Paulina is deadly serious.
She’s probably lost faith in Jada and wants Rafe awake, alert, and ready to take over the Commissioner’s duties again — even though so far, Jada is a far better cop.

Connie Continues to Torment Melinda
If This Is To Lead To Connie’s Downfall, Let’s Get On With It
Melinda Trask has never been the type of character we’d hang out with, but all of a sudden she’s sympathetic.
Or, at least, rootable in this stupid story.
The sooner Melinda gets free of the bed she’s tied from and back to being snooty to everyone she thinks deserves jail time, the better.
Hopefully, someone will burn or cut up that cardboard avatar of Li while they’re rescuing her, too.

Jada To The Rescue! (Maybe…)
She Has A Feeling Something Is Off With Connie
Trust those instincts, Jada!
The Salem PD is too often the Keystone Cops, but Jada is an exception. She’s smart and intuitive and closes more cases than anyone else.
The audience knows she’s right about Connie, but will she follow her intuition?
Let’s hope so. Two weeks of Melinda tied to that bed is more than enough.

Holly Gets Closer To EJ
Her Anger Makes Her Vulnerable To His Manipulations
Ugh. Holly’s anger at Eric is not worth this.
Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24 say that she’s going to get close to EJ, and we all know what that means.
EJ will want to use Holly as a pawn against her mother.
I’m not sure how that will work, considering Ari Zucker’s lawsuit against Days of Our Lives and how unlikely it is for Nicole to ever grace our screens again.
Eric’s in Salem, though, so EJ can continue to put a wedge between these two as much as he wants.

Kristen Becomes The Latest Person To Try To Stop Brady From Pleading Guilty
She Encourages Him Not To Throw His Life Away
I almost wish that Brady WAS guilty.
This storyline has been a great PSA about the dangers of drunk driving and how being an alcoholic is not an excuse for endangering others — except Brady didn’t actually do it.
That messes up the social messaging, which is a shame.
EJ already dropped the charges for the moment, so I’m not sure why Brady still needs to be convinced, unless he’s insisting that he be prosecuted.
That would be ridiculous even for this character. Let’s hope that’s not what’s happening.

Marlena Hypnotizes Someone, But Not Fake Abigail
Chad Is Left To Jog Her Memories On His Own
According to Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 9-09-24, Marlena will hypnotize Sarah to help her remember the details of the accident.
That’s great. It means that Fiona doesn’t get away with her stupid pillow stunt, plus the truth about who was driving when Sarah got hurt might come out quickly
However, it seems like there’s someone else who is a more logical candidate for hypnosis: “Abigail.”
She can’t have it, of course. Jane Doe Green is a character good at keeping her secret, but she probably isn’t good enough at lying to pretend to be hypnotized and remember things that aren’t hers to remember.
Still, it’s weird that Chad is taking matters into his own hands instead of pushing her to see Marlena.
At the very least, he should ask the world-renowned hypnotherapist for help, even if she doesn’t want to oblige.
Over to you, Days of Our Lives fanatics.
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Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekday mornings at 6/5c.