It would be the understatement of the century to say I’m a Scrubs fan.

My love affair/obsession with the series began shortly after I lost someone close to me. My sister got me the Season 4 DVD to distract me, and I promptly watched every episode so many times that I could quote them by heart. Then, I went back to Scrubs Season 1 to catch up.

I still quote lines from the series to myself sometimes, have favorites from all seven NBC seasons, and am thrilled with the commercials for T-Mobile Zach Braff and Donald Faison do together, but I’m not sure about the proposed Scrubs reboot.

Turk and J.D. TalkTurk and J.D. Talk

The Original Scrubs Had A Perfect Ending, Then Got Renewed

I’m more a fan of the first few seasons when Turk and JD were interns rather than residents, but the Scrubs Season 8 finale was the perfect ending for the series.

JD decided to leave the hospital for one closer to his son, but before he did, he had one last fantasy montage that could have been a time-jump ending before those became popular.

JD: Who’s to say that this isn’t what happens? Who’s to say that this one time, my fantasies don’t come true?

As sad as I was for Scrubs to go, that was so perfect that it didn’t need anything else.

Then it got renewed for season 9, which was so horrible I couldn’t stand more than the first half episode — and I was obsessed with the original! (It apparently also aired on ABC, as will the Scrubs reboot, but I forgot that too.)

The terrible new episodes were a quasi-reboot that not only undid the brilliant series finale but also attempted to do Scrubs without JD. No, thank you!

I’m afraid that a Scrubs reboot would be just as bad. I don’t want my memories of this special show ruined by an unnecessary attempt to recreate it, thanks.

Dr. Perry Cox Dr. Perry Cox

What Would The Scrubs Reboot Even Be About?

According to Deadline, the proposed new show would again feature the talents of Zach Braff, Donald Faison, John C. McGinley, and Sarah Chalke.

In other words, JD and the rest of the original characters would be back. (No mention of the Janitor, though.)

So hopefully, we wouldn’t get Scrubs without JD, but what the heck would we get?

Scrubs’ original charm came from baby-faced JD and a group of other new doctors trying to learn how to do their jobs, including navigating complicated relationships with Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso, the doctors who had the power to end their careers.

JD’s absurd fantasies, insecurities, crush on Elliot, and near-complete worship of Dr. Cox made sense, given he was at the beginning stage of his career.

Zach Braff is close to 50 now, and JD should be well-established in his career. Dr. Cox should be close to retirement, if not retired. So, what kind of premise will we get that makes any sense?

(ABC via Getty Images)

The insecurities and idolization JD engaged in during the original just wouldn’t be cute on a middle-aged man.

Additionally, he is supposed to have a family now, and his son should be about the age he was when Scrubs began, so please don’t tell me JD hasn’t changed at all over the years.

I want to be excited about this Scrubs reboot, but if it’s an attempt to recreate something that was already on a season longer than it should have been, it’s pointless.

What do you think, Scrubs fanatics? Am I missing something? Will the Scrubs reboot be brilliant despite how unworkable it seems?

Hit the comments with your thoughts.

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