A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Ancient legends of Perchta (also known as Berchta or Berta) are native to Austria, especially Salzburg, the Alpine regions of Switzerland, and southern Germany.
Perchta is a very old mythological figure, which remembers pre-Christian times.
In the modern era, Perchta (‘bright’, ‘luminous, ‘brilliant’) is a Christmas character who is well-known for her activity during the Twelve Days of Christmas celebration, a period between Christmas and Epiphany (the thirteenth day).
Ugly Perchta – The Shapeshifter
In some descriptions, Perchta has two forms; she may appear either as a beautiful and white-robed female or as an elderly and suffering spirit. She was once considered among the Germans, a deity associated simultaneously with fertility and death. She was the goddess of winter.
In Northern Germany, Perchta is a benevolent creature, ‘”white as snow”, and in Southern Germany, she is an evil old witch that scares children.
Today Perchta is the Christmas witch, who is usually depicted as having a goosefoot (or swan foot), which is related to ancient beliefs that goose fat helped witches fly.
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