Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Have you ever wondered what’s behind the ancient Christmas tradition and the true meaning of candy canes?

Due to the J-shape, many people associate candy canes with the name Jesus, but that is wrong. The shape was meant to represent the crooks of the shepherds to whom the angel announced the first Nativity.

Ancient Tradition And True Meaning Of Candy Canes

The candy cane began as an all-white, straight sugar treat and is believed to have been invented by French priests in the early 15th century.

The choirmaster purportedly passed out the confections to young children attending the services at the living creche, or Nativity scene, to keep them quiet during the long ceremony.

The idea was successful, and the custom of passing out the treats at such ceremonies became popular.

By the 16th century, the decorating of Christmas trees, which had begun in Germany, had also become popular in other parts of Europe. Early trees were adorned with fruits, colored paper, flowers, and candy. The straight, white candy sticks were one of the items used in garnishing the trees.

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