
Screenshot: Amazon

We’ve got action, folks! There’s a ton going on here, so let’s get into it. First, if it wasn’t clear that earlier shot was in fact Griffith Observatory, there’s a sign behind the Power Armor here that says as much. Second, the figure in Power Armor is facing off against someone who seems noticeably underpowered for this fight. Behind them are even more forces in similarly tattered military get-up and weaponry. The thing to particularly note here is the one person carrying a flag. Though it’s harder to see in this image, the full trailer shows that the flag is indeed that of the New California Republic, otherwise known as the NCR, one of the factions in Obsidian Entertainment’s beloved installment, Fallout: New Vegas.

It seems likely that the NCR and the Brotherhood of Steel are going to be the primary factions facing off in the first season of Fallout. What’s currently unclear, and will presumably be revealed in the show, is why they’re fighting, and specifically over this land. Knowing how the Brotherhood of Steel operates, it’s probably not far off to conclude there’s something in or underneath Griffith Observatory that the NCR is protecting from them.

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