Content warning: This story discusses sexual assault.

Sean “Diddy” Combs is facing more legal woes

The rapper and his son Christian “King” Combs are named as defendants in a new lawsuit that alleges Christian, 26, sexually assaulted a woman working on a yacht Diddy chartered in December 2022.

In court documents obtained by E! News April 5, a woman named Grace O’Marcaigh said charter was “sold as a wholesome family excursion” but quickly turned into a “hedonistic environment,” resulting in her suffering emotional distress and physical bruises.

As part of her lawsuit, Grace accused Diddy, 54, of “apparent failure to ensure there was a safe environment on the yacht” since he was the person responsible for the charter.

In the filing, Grace said she was working as a steward on the boat when Christian allegedly came on board “heavily intoxicated.” Her suit claimed that he started paying an “inappropriate” amount of attention to her upon his arrival, before allegedly pressuring her drink alcohol that she suspects was laced with drugs.

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