Ship combat in Cat Quest III.

Screenshot: The Gentlebros

Play it on: PS5, PS4, Switch, Xbox X/S, Xbox One, Windows
Buy it from: Best Buy
Current goal: Make this fantasy a reality

Look, I’ll be honest with you. So many of these entries I write are more wish than fact. They’re the games I wish I were going to be playing this weekend. And were life more generous, I totally would be! Sometimes I even do. But also, I have a child, and it needs to be taken to its swimming lesson at 9.15 a.m. Saturday, and then to its tennis club at 11, and then demands to be entertained in some manner throughout the afternoon, and by the time I’ve cooked dinner (chicken curry this Saturday) and got the smaller human to bed, the adult human demands I sit with her and watch shit on the TV. Then much the same for Sunday.

So, if a magic time fairy magically gives me an expanse of child-free time this weekend, I would really like to play Cat Quest III. Admittedly I’ve yet to get very far with Cat Quest II, having completed the first game last year, but still, it looks lovely. I want to be playing that. —John Walker

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