Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – “He who digs a pit for others falls in himself.” This old saying has stood the test of time and proved true in the case of the attempted murder of Lorenzo de’ Medici. Those who plotted against him failed, plunging Florence into chaos. But how did everything go so wrong?
Scandals and intrigues were expected wherever members of the Medici family were present. Thanks to the powerful House of Medici, House of Borgia, and the Pazzi family, bribes, plots, and murder attempts were part of Renaissance Florence’s daily life. By not always playing by the rules, the Medici occasionally found themselves in serious trouble.
Among all the Medicis, Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici was undoubtedly the most famous member who ruled during Florence’s Golden Age. No one contributed as much as he did to raise awareness of the importance of art and culture, and he was responsible for putting Florence on the artistic map. So why was there an attempt to murder Lorenzo de’ Medici?
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