The values of us all

Being half-Jewish and half-Palestinian has one undoubted benefit: it teaches a young girl that peace is not a pipe dream and that any marriage, no


Water: From scarcity to equity

Conventional market-led solutions to water scarcity in the Arab Mediterranean, above all mega projects such as dams, have tended to support state agendas and reinforce


Breaking bread: Food and water systems under pressure

Photo by Membeth via Wikimedia Commons As the end of abundance becomes an everyday experience in Europe, we are thinking more closely about how our


Syphillis soaring across Europe | Eurozine

Sexually transmitted infections have been a defining feature of the entire history of human civilization. We have seen skeletons bearing syphilis marks, classical literature dedicated


Russia’s future and the war

1. Today, to talk about the future of Russia is like talking about life after death. Russia is in the midst of catastrophe, and horror


Children of the twenty-first century

‘Although the future belongs to the young, future thinking … is more the domain of older people,’ wrote Andrzej Siciński. The sociologist’s provocative statement follows


Futile words and tangible events

I would be lying if I said the war had disturbed my habits. It is tempting enough to pretend it turned a timid art researcher


El agua: de la escasez a la equidad

En la actualidad se calcula que hay más de 3.500 millones de personas en el mundo que viven en regiones donde escasea el agua. Se


Fåfänga ord och triviala handlingar

Jag skulle ljuga om jag sa att kriget har ödelagt mina vanor. Precis som det är frestande att säga att allt förändrades över en natt,


Who represents farmers? | Eurozine

The closer we get to the European parliamentary elections in June 2024, the harder politicians are jostling to win votes. There is one constituency that