This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on Screens

Instead of looking at blood flow, a team of Israeli scientists analyzed electrical activity in the brains of 6- to 8-year-olds. When the children read


5 Reasons To Keep Up Read-Alouds Beyond Kindergarten

Brenda Krupp, a reading specialist and co-author of Welcome to Reading Workshop, recommended that teachers pre-read the book and make notes about places they can


Each Student Has a Different Reading Journey. Many Fall Into These 3 Categories.

Me: “What?! I assume you loved it?” Student: “Yup. It was so good.” Me: “Did you even sleep?!” Occasionally, the instant starters will ask for


Teens Are Looking to AI for Answers About Their Personal Lives, Not Just Homework Help

The survey also asked teens a couple of open-response questions. Some teens told researchers that they are asking AI private questions that they were too


Kindergartners Are Missing a Lot of School. This District Has a Fix

In many K-12 schools across the country, an alarming number of children have been chronically absent – an old problem that COVID-19 made much, much


As ‘Chronic Absenteeism’ Soars in Schools, Most Parents Aren’t Sure What It Is

Experts say outreach and identifying the reasons keeping students out of the classroom is the best chance districts have of getting their students back. Transcript:


3 Strategies for Encouraging Dads’ Involvement in Schools

“We have to take steps to ensure that dads are being seen and heard,” said Chavis. A simple solution is to send all school correspondence


Biden Wants To Save the Climate by Deploying Young People. He’s Not There Yet

To be fair, this really is just the beginning. Throughout the first year, there will be 20,000 total American Climate Corps positions, ranging from summer


As Teacher Layoffs Loom, Research Evidence Mounts that Seniority Protections Hurt Kids in Poverty

Economists haven’t been able to conclusively prove that student achievement suffered more under LIFO layoffs than other ways of reducing the teacher workforce. But the


Worried About Your Kid’s Screen Time? Limit Your Own

It’s very common for parents like myself to feel guilty about their own screen use, says Jenny Radesky, a developmental behavioral pediatrician and media researcher