Only a quarter of federally funded education innovations benefited students, report says

Some innovations did work well. Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) is the poster child for what this grant program had hoped to produce. The idea


Should schools teach climate activism?

For Sanes, who grew up in the neighborhood and graduated from Fannie Lou Hamer himself, getting his students involved in activism is a key way


PragerU is a conservative video giant. Here’s why it’s trying to get into schools

Educators have voiced alarms about the tone and accuracy of some of PragerU’s videos, such as one that features an animated Christopher Columbus saying: “Being


How thoughtful post-secondary planning can raise expectations for students in special education

High school exit exams can be another barrier to students with disabilities obtaining a general education diploma. Nine states require a passing score on the


Learning science might help kids read better

In 2019, a group of researchers, led by James Kim, a professor at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, randomly selected 15 of the district’s


Free child care exists in America — if you cross paths with the right philanthropist

The early learning center, located in a town that engenders Willy Wonka vibes with street names like “Chocolate Avenue,” street lights shaped like Hershey’s Kisses


Creating a welcoming environment for linguistically diverse families of students in special education

While Vogel-Campbell’s school district obtains Spanish interpreter services relatively quickly, and is required to offer no-cost interpretation for all non-English speaking parents, she said that


When parents know these 4 phases of friendship, they can help their child make friends more easily

Ideally, when parents of very young children make these choices for them, they will share the reasons for their choices with their children. For example,


The surprising effectiveness of having kids study why they failed

On the surface, it was a tie. Students improved by about the same amount – 12% – whether they learned through explicit instruction or error


Politicians love to talk about race and LGBTQ issues in school. Teachers and teens, not so much.

Adults and teens felt more comfortable with teachers teaching about racism than LGBTQ issues. They were also more comfortable with teachers talking about past injustices