Three Fun Paradoxes Created By Ancient Greek Philosophers To Puzzle Over

AncientPages.com – Ancient Greek philosophers used paradoxes for all sorts of reasons, from sharpening their dialectical skills and showing philosophical opponents were talking nonsense to


Puzzling Ancient Artifacts Found In Canadian Mountains Defy Explanation – Scientists Say

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – The field of archaeology frequently presents unexpected discoveries and remarkable findings. Occasionally, researchers encounter perplexing ancient artifacts that appear chronologically


Rare Iron- And Viking-Age Mortuary Houses Discovered In Norway

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Mortuary and funerary houses have been prevalent across various historical periods and geographical locations. These structures have been identified in


Cedar – Sacred Tree With Medicine Power In Native American Beliefs

A. Sutherland – AncientPages.com – Cedar is considered the most sacred tree in Native American beliefs. Cedar holds significant importance in Native American traditions as


Extraordinary Gold Treasures Found In A Thracian Warrior’s Grave Near Topolovgrad, Bulgaria

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – Bulgaria remains a significant source of archaeological discoveries related to ancient Thracian culture. Recently, archaeologists uncovered a tomb belonging to


Unusual Medieval Picture Stone Found Under House In Klotzow, Germany

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – A 900-year-old picture stone from the 12th century was discovered during home renovation work in Germany. Homeowner Peter Wittenberg unearthed


Rare Preserved Written Account Of North America’s Ancient Lost Civilization Of Tall Beings From An Unknown Land

Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com –Studying history can be likened to assembling a complex jigsaw puzzle, where each piece represents a fragment of our past. To gain


Why Did A Solar Eclipse Save George Davidson’s Life In Alaska?

Conny Waters – AncientPages.com – Scientific curiosity and searching for knowledge can sometimes be dangerous. This is a lesson American astronomer and geographer George Davidson


Zapotecs’ Magnificent City Of Mitla Was Destroyed By A Seismic Landslide

Jan Bartek – AncientPages.com – The archaeological site of Mitla, formally designated as the “House or place of tombs,” served as a significant religious center


‘Throughout All Days And Nights, Forever’: Could An 11th-Century Contract Show Same-Sex Marriage In Medieval Spain?

AncientPages.com – In 1061, two men, Pedro Díaz and Munio Vandilaz, signed a legal agreement in which they undertook to share the management of the