Glowing γ-rays solve thunderstorm conundrum

Nature, Published online: 02 October 2024; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-03032-x Aircraft observations of high-energy rays emitted by thunderstorms reveal that they are both intense and dynamic. Long-lasting glows


Rapid homologue juxtaposition during meiotic chromosome pairing

Zickler, D. & Kleckner, N. Meiosis: dances between homologs. Annu. Rev. Genet. 57, 1–63 (2023). Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Zickler, D. & Kleckner, N.


A guide to the Nature Index

The Nature Index is a database of author affiliations and institutional relationships. The index tracks contributions to research articles published in high-quality natural-science and health-science


Neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain

Scheffer, L. K. et al. A connectome and analysis of the adult Drosophila central brain. eLife 9, e57443 (2020). Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google


The global imbalance of neurological conditions

High burden The top ten neurological conditions by disability-adjusted life year (DALY) globally are shown for 2021. Stroke has more than double the DALYs of


Neurotechnology race ramps up, but fundamental questions remain

Neuroscience has undergone remarkable progress. Researchers can now study specific areas of the brain with unprecedented detail thanks to cutting-edge imaging and genetic tools. Advanced


A ‘Swiss army knife’ microscope that doesn’t break the bank

Nature, Published online: 02 October 2024; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-03140-8 The parts of a 3D-printed device can be changed out, allowing for versatility as well as ultrahigh resolution.


The fly connectome reveals a path to the effectome

Statistical model of fly brain Here we approximate fly brain dynamics as a first-order vector auto-regressive model (VAR(1)), $${{\bf{r}}}_{t}=W{{\bf{r}}}_{t-1}+{W}_{l,x}{L}_{t}+{{\epsilon }}_{t}.$$ (3) where rt is the


Network statistics of the whole-brain connectome of Drosophila

Dataset The connectome reconstructed by the FlyWire Consortium is that of a 7-day-old adult female D. melanogaster from a [iso] w1118 × [iso] Canton-S G1 cross1. The EM images


Bulk high-temperature superconductivity in pressurized tetragonal La2PrNi2O7

Sun, H. et al. Signatures of superconductivity near 80 K in a nickelate under high pressure. Nature 621, 493–498 (2023). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google